national conference

Melbourne, Victoria

October 17 - 18, 2024

Conference Information

17th – 18th
October 2024

Oncology Social Work Australia New Zealand (OSWANZ) Conference 2024.

Woodward Conference Centre, University of Melbourne, Law Building, 10th floor, 106/185 Pelham St, Carlton Victoria 3053, Australia

The Conference will provide a unique opportunity for oncology social workers and other health professionals working with people impacted by cancer to share research, practice models and innovative projects.

The theme of the 2024 Conference is Diversity, Innovation and Future Directions of Oncology Social Work and will feature keynote speakers presenting on the themes of Paediatrics & AYA; First Nations Peoples; End of Life; and Future Directions.

Conference Dinner

Venue: Naughton's Parkville Hotel

Cost: $100

Address: 43 Royal Parade, Parkville, 3052

Phone: 03 9347 2255

Please note dinner places are limited so please register early if you wish to attend


Naughton's Parkville Hotel

Conference Accommodation

Please click the “information Sheet” button below for information on accommodation options in Melbourne during your conference attendance.

There are many diverse and great sights/activities for you to enjoy and enhance your conference experience. Please see the What’s On Melbourne website to help add to your time at the Conference.


(All prices are in AUD)

Click below to see all registration options & prices

OSWANZ Members Non-Members Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander, Maori, Pacific Health Workers Students
Full Conference - Early Bird (closes 06/09/24) $450 $550 $250 $250
Full Conference - Standard $510 $610 $250 $250
Daily Rate (Thurs or Fri) $270 $320 $150 $150
Conference Dinner (17th Oct) $100 $100 $100 $100
OSWANZ Conference 2024 Save the Date
OSWANZ Conference 2024

Call For Abstracts Open

Closing date for submission of abstracts: 5:00pm Australian Eastern Standard Time – Friday, 24th May 2024

OSWANZ is now inviting abstracts for our upcoming conference. To learn more, click the link below.